> 春节2024 > 今年怎么还没过年呢英语




Are you busy recently? I am currently on vacation. The Spring Festival is approaching soon, and I assume you are aware of that.


春节的英语翻译为Spring Festival,这里是不需要加the的。

今年春节是什么时候 用英语怎么说

How do we say \"When is the Spring Festival this year?\" in English?也可以表达为\"When will the Spring Festival be held this year?\"

春节英文为啥不叫Chinese Spring Year?

春节在美国通常称为lunar new year,\"Chinese Spring Year\"只是字面的硬翻译。


春节的来历的英语翻译为\"The primitive belief in ancient times was an important factor in the formation of the festival.\"。


因为春节即将到来,工人们已经开始陆续回家过节,所以我们非常忙碌。嗯,帮你翻译一下吧!P.S:当然,从逻辑上来说,这句话有点问题,毕竟人都回家了,怎么会还忙呢?其实应该表达的意思是人手不够,所以现在的工作人员很忙碌……【人工翻译】According to the approaching Spring Festival, workers have already started to return home for the holiday, so we are very busy. Well, let me help you with the translation! P.S: Of course, logically speaking, this sentence is a bit problematic because if everyone has gone home, how can we still be busy? The intended meaning should be that we are short-handed, so the existing workers are very busy...


春节的英语读作The Spring Festival;新年第一天农历元旦读作lunar New Year\'s Day;中国农历新年的第一天读作Chinese New Year\'s Day。


1. Last year during the Spring Festival, I didn\'t visit my friends and relatives.2. We played football in the camp during the Spring Festival holidays.


春节是农历正月初一,英语翻译为Spring Festival。春节,即农历新年,是一年之岁首、传统意义上的年节。俗称新春、新年、新岁、岁旦、年禧。

在春节用英语是\"In Spring Festival\"还是\"On Spring Festival\"

在春节用英语可以表达为\"In Spring Festival\"、\"At Spring Festival\"或\"On Spring Festival\",具体使用哪个需要看句子的语境。例如:\"在春节期间\"可以翻译为\"In/at/on the Spring Festival\",具体使用哪个形式要根据具体句子来决定。